it's the hols again, and the end of the year is just round the corner. so many things happened this year i can't possibly say my life is boring, like it ever was. i think this academic year would be best described as bittersweet. there was first this rude awakening, that life in jc wasn't going to be as easy as i think, and it still isn't. and that's where many nights were spent in the lib just mugging. just mugging. and then came the rewards. not exceptional, but enough to work on. which just sets the tone for the coming year, where everything is going to be twice as tough in half the time. we gotta be ready from the get-go cause its all we've got. it's all going to come down to this. 1 year from now.
and then of course there were many life lessons learnt along the way. what is life without the lessons? i think this year was a reality check. another year of mistakes, and another year of painful lessons. this is all just a small sample of what the real world would be like out there. but there were the better times as well. i think i kinda saw who my real friends were through all that turmoil and madness of jc life. there were lots of fun along the way, you just have to go out of the way to find it.
anyways, back to the hols. it's going to be the last real hols i'll have for the year ahead and i wanna make the most of it. i keep saying that i'll plan my hols but i'll just end up wasting it away. but with so many things ahead in my last year, this is may be only time i have to do the things i want, and do something meaningful with my life. it's not about how my life compares with other people, but how i want to live it and make the most of it. this hols is going to be quite a long one, but there are lots of things to do. which is why i'm going to do a list. never has there been a time where planning is of greater importance.
on a side note, now's the perfect time for a spring fling. i'm not in it for the commitment and i'm just looking for some company when i'm lonely. but is this really the kind of person i want to become? shallow and superficial? i dun think i'll ever sell myself for something like that. which is why getting attached, will not be on my list this hols. period.
i think it's enough of the red tape, i should just get down to it. THE LIST. i'm just going to spam the things i wanna do in no particular order of any kind. hope i'll be able to accomplish most of it, because it could possibly be a full year til i get to do things of this nature again.
To-Do List (Nov 5 - Jan 11):
1. Revise JC1 Chem
2. Revise JC1 Math
3. Revise JC1 Bio
4. Revise JC1 Econs
5. Play Pool (2)
6. Go Bowling
7. Watch a Movie (1)
8. Go Sentosa (again)
9. Learn how to play a Guitar10. Learn how to cook
11. Play soccer (3)
12. Play tennis (1)
13. Stay over at a friend's house (again)
14. Have a barbeque
15. Read a book (1)
16. Australia17. Sabah
18. KL
19. Save money
20. Buy new shirts
21. Buy new shorts22. Buy a new pair of shoes (
23. Buy something for my room
24. Play Poker with friends25. Volunteer for a good cause
26. Tidy my room
i think i'll just leave it at that for the time being. until i find more fun and interesting stuff to add to the list.
fate fell short this timeyour smile fades in the summerplace your hand in minei'll leave when I wanna