i'm not one for lists but i have to do this.
1. The Incredible Hulk2. Get Smart3. You Don't Mess With The Zohan
4. Hancock
5. 216. Wanted
7. The Happening
8. The Dark Knight9. Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (thanks to pernjie for bringing this to my attention)
10. The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor (this movie from pernjie too)
thats another list where i have so many things to do, yet so little time. i think no. 7 is not screening anymore, guess i can't scare myself anymore (although i still wanna watch it somehow). watched "The Incredible Hulk" yesterday and i must say it was alot better than i expected. i thought it was just the same as the first movie, except with better graphics. but it turned out to be alot more than that. in fact, it was so good it kinda turned me into a hulk fan, lol. oh and the ending was really really good, as in it left alot to be fulfilled and i'm really looking forward to the next movie. here's a little sneak for you marvel fans: anyone wanna see the hulk and iron man go head-to-head? robert downing jr. vs edward norton, 2 guys i've grown to really admire, wouldn't miss it for anything.
the rest of the movies are not so much of a must watch, but "Get Smart" is definitely top priority simply because of anne hathaway (sorrie can't help it), and of course steve carrell (love the dude from the office). i really wanna watch "21"! thanks to anthea's intro, i'm really into it now and i wanna see how the movie turns out, hope it won't be a let down. the next big obstacle, is finding people to go watch these movies with me :/
other than the movies thats been occupying my thoughts lately, i've been pretty busy camera shopping. not for me, but for my cousin from malaysia thats currently staying with me. just today we went all the way down to sim lim square to check out all the cameras. i've learnt a thing or two about camera over the course of the past 2 weeks or so. man, those things are really quite something and i can totally understand why my cousin gets high over it. they are not play things man. these are the big guns, big toys for big boys. anyway, its really great to have something you really want and have the drive to work for it. its the kind of high you get when you succeed, and all that hard work pays of for something you've been waiting for. it takes something different to drive different people. i guess i don't have anything that i really want right now, not something that can be satisfied easily (in every sense of the word). i think i should just keep it simple and leave the bigger things for later. car, anyone? haha :D
so after sim lim, came home and took a dip in the cold and windy pool. i keep saying i wanna swim regularly but it never happens. i think its time for a change. been going down to the pool 2 days in a row and it feels really good, just to soak in the water. i'm hoping it won't end after my cousin leaves and all, cuz right now i'm persuaded by the company. always been talking about running regularly too, need i say more? i think it could really happen this time. cuz i really wanna make it happen. and at the end of it all, i just had a talk with my mum about the exams and stuff. i just realised its nice to talk to my mum when she has the time to listen, which she rarely does. but its a good way to get stuff outta me and a good way to let her know what's going on. now that i've enlightened my mum a little on this CTs, its time to let it go and look forward. the only person that can stop me now is me. i'm really thankful that my parents are willing to help me in every way that they can, but to a certain extent, i have to do this on my own. so let's just take one step at a time. no distractions, no detours.
i've said much more than i intended to. school is here again, and it only reminds me of what i have to do. i may not be as great as some of them, i may not even make it, but i know for sure as hell that i'm gonna leave it all on the table and there's no looking back. the outcome can only say so much. i'll just have to be at peace with my heart and soul. ending off with this green dude, don't mess with him when he's angry. peace.